Giving Customer-centric Solutions | Hemant Singh
Hemant Singh, CEO, Conso4s, is customer business outcome focused. He and his team are dedicated to delivering the customer’s business outcomes in the most pragmatic, sustainable, and affordable way. “We do not see our customers as clients, but more as partners. Their success is our success and hence the company is called Conso4s (Consors – Latin for partners).” He adds, “In our world there are no ‘projects’ but rather only software product lines. Governed by a Product Roadmap, these need on-going planning, feature development and maintenance. We feel that talking about anything else is misleading to clients and gives a false view of cost of ownership.”
Conso4s truly is dedicated to delivering quality products to its customers! As such, the company mandates that each individual and team has ring-fenced capacity which is dedicated to improvement. Asides from regular retrospectives being the norm, the company also has Communities of Practice (such as UX, DevOps etc). These bring together resources from across the organisation to learn from experiences, improve company processes and practices, usage and adoption of tools and technology, and define the best approach to getting the right outcomes for the customers.
This attitude of Hemant has come from adopting all the positive traits of various leaders and role models that he has come across throughout his career. But key for him are trust, compassion, vision, courage, and action. Armed with this unique ideology, Hemant takes the company to new heights.
Offering Brilliant Talent
With offices in the UK, India, and Georgia, Conso4s provides the best mix of talent fit for the customer’s needs , whereby users immediately gain access to a wide pool of resources and skills.
They are committed to meeting the needs of the clients and employees alike. Conso4s offers generous packages, invest in educational and training programmes and make a social contribution to the communities they live and work in.
Conso4s aspires to further rollout their model to other places in the world where high quality, well-paid career roles are much needed – enabling a single wage earner to support a large extended family.
Controversially for a ‘tech company’, Conso4s does not believe in or advocate any fixed or new technologies. Their experience is that choosing the ‘latest’ technologies without good business reasons can burn through cash very quickly, not deliver the expected returns, and cause long-term support challenges. Rather, they consider themselves a ‘solutions company’ and believe in finding the right technology to support the customer’s objectives and constraints. It is about the right fit for the business and not the newest, most shiny thing out there.
With such a crowded and competitive marketplace, rather than focus on the strategy and tactics of Conso4s competitors, they prefer to focus on demonstrating they are different with their unique style of play. “Key to us is developing our people, approach and dedication to quality to ensure our customers win every time. We point blankly refuse to be suppliers, providers, or vendors. We are our customers’ partners.”
Custom Developed Software
Conso4s ethos is founded on understanding what their customers are trying to achieve and defining and developing solutions that deliver timely and cost-effective. In an era where differentiation is critical for businesses, the company does not believe in the herd mentality. For them, it feels like many packages have lost their way. They have feature ‘bloat’, trying to be all things to all people; and have become overly complex, costly and time-consuming to implement. “We believe in stripping back the layers and getting to the heart of the business problem. Using our mix of custom code; open source frameworks and tools to accelerate development, ensures we deliver exactly what our customers need and not what they don’t.” elucidates Hemant.
Critical for success, the on-shore liaison provided to each client is a senior, experienced resource who works closely with the business stakeholders. As partners, Conso4s see themselves as trusted advisors to all their clients. Each client has a Product Technology Officer, who understands the customer’s strategy, business objectives and constraints. Working with the client and the delivery team, they advise on solution approaches, mitigation of risk; product line evolution and technology choices focused on achieving the right balance of time to market, features, and cost.
Conso4s have seen and resolved various challenges across several industries in companies of different scales. Bringing new products to market for our customers has accounted for a large percentage of our business. Working with clients, who often have limited technology knowledge, they have helped them translate their business idea into a solution. Whether an externally sold product (SaaS); mobile application or something for internal use, using UX prototyping, Conso4s can bring the solution to life for them with minimal investment to clarify and agree the requirements. Coupled with this, the company’s focus is always on releasing to market as soon as possible, learning from usage and achieving early returns on investment for the customer. This focus on getting benefits early can provide a revenue stream to further invest in and sustain the evolution of the product line. “At the height of COVID, we were able to help a company obtain a grant which was available to develop and deliver a mobile application for their customers,” explains Hemant. “Delivered in 17 weeks, the application has helped the customer manage their operational costs. The mobile app has received positive reviews and over 10k installs and helped them provide a foundation for their ‘mobile-first’ approach.”
Sadly, another scenario Hemant witnesses all too often is customers approaching them having experienced problems with their existing providers. These are suppliers who have failed to deliver; not invested in understanding the customer’s business or drivers, or are seen as expensive compared to the realised value. Conso4s has an assessment and on-boarding process that can help customers reliably, quickly and with minimum risk, transition from an existing supplier to themselves. In one case, the customer experienced a seven-figure spend with practically no delivery across different product lines in two years. “The products were transitioned to us, and we built a small team of 5 people dedicated to the customer. Within the first year the products were documented; upgraded after no maintenance from the previous supplier; and a regular cadence of feature releases established. The dynamic with the customer’s own clients using the software was completely turned around and has led to increased revenues.”
Towards the Future
Put simply, Conso4s measure their success and achievements on those of the customers. “If we help them attain their goals then we know our success and future are assured too. It’s as simple as that,” says Hemant. “For the near future, our plan is simple, which is to continuously ask if we are better than we were? We choose this simple plan as we know that the best laid out plans run into problems due to issues beyond our control. The culture of regular improvement keeps us flexible and agile enough to recover quickly, adapt and move forwards.”