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31 Aug 2021

Financial Health Check

Are you a growing SME who is looking for more financial support but not sure what you need? Come and see us at our stand to find out more about how our discovery session can help you.

What is out Discovery Session?

As every business is unique, we offer an initial discovery session where we work with you to review your business model, systems, reporting and pricing strategies, presenting back opportunities with our recommendation of what the focus should be to streamline your business, increase sales, reduce costs and ultimately generate higher margins

These sessions include: -

 A discovery call to discuss your overall business model and current issues you face, including the impact your feel these have on your time and finances

 A view of your current or last set of accounts and how they are reconciled, to check the integrity of your financials

 A review of how you price to customers and any tools you currently use to build your pricing, including how you track profitability

 A review of your costs and how you budget or forecast expected cashflow

 An overview of your current bookkeeping processes and financial systems, including how these interlink with other systems

 A review of how you cost your marketing and track ROI

 A final call to review our findings and recommendations of the opportunities in your business.

We talk you through our report and provide actionable objectives we can take away to start the journey of implementing a structured financial process. 

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