Automate process with Nintex Workflow
In today’s world, Workflow Automation has become useful to complete any range of tasks with ease and convenience. Workflows can be used to automate tasks that consist of Approvals, Notifications, and Status Updates which are highly repetitive and manual tasks.
Nintex Workflow Automation is a solution to automate business processes by defining them and reconstructing them in a clear flow as shown in the picture above.
Automating workflow is important for complex, comprehensive processes as it allows businesses to have a better view of how their business works.
Nintex Workflow also can be used for the everyday, repetitive processes that keep your business running.
Thus, creating a collaboration between the system and the person allows your team to be more productive.
Why use Nintex Workflow?
1.) You can make an immediate impact.
Depending on the processes, Nintex workflow can be built in hours or days. Thanks to its drag-and-drop interface, you can build an effective and efficient automated process immediately.
You can also better visualize and later make changes to achieve the best results for your business. With Nintex, you do not have to start from the beginning.
A catalog of sample workflows will be available at your disposal to use immediately.
Combining it with Nintex Forms and Nintex Mobile, you can create custom, mobile forms in minutes and share them outside your firewall in one, quick click.
2.) Ease Business Communication
Thanks to the drag-and-drop features, the admin could easily assign and provide access along the process to the right person.
Access and notification also vary such as via email, messaging, or collaboration tools and platforms. Providing the team with a clear communication and view of the workflow.
Not to mention it also will be easier for administrators to track the paper trail and avoid bottlenecks. Now, the team can see at what stage each process is and who is responsible for it.
3.) Allow content connection to multiple sources.
When migrating or implementing the Nintex Workflow, users can connect to any platforms, that were currently used to manage content across the organization's systems and services.
Not to mentioned data for the workflow can also be retrieved from multiple sources in the company. This includes both on-premises and cloud-based systems and services.
The connectors also provide users with multiple choices of distributing work or collaborating to multiple places for various purposes.
For example, by connecting the flow with Microsoft Teams, users can use their team’s channels to share projects and monitor their work.